Friday, August 1, 2014

Ever wonder the meaning of feathers on your path!?

So you've been seeing feathers on your path?  Feathers are very spiritual..they mean the angels and our higher power is around and are trying to give you a sign.  Think about it..feathers are from birds and birds are our spiritual messengers of our world! Think about what you were thinking at that exact moment when you saw the feather? What color was it? How did you feel when you saw it? Ask for signs from the universe and remember to always pay attention when they show up. Each color of a feather has a meaning too. They also mean ascension...growing spiritually and rapidly! 

A quick interpretation on what some of the colors mean..I seem to see a lot of white or gray so we'll start with those.

White..Purity..Innocents, Blessings, Communication, Peace, Harmony, Clear visions, Hope, Spirituality

Gray..Neutral, Stand still, Rethinking, Confusion, 

Black..Protection, Wisdom, Old souls, Past Lives, Magic,  

I will be doing a YouTube video on all of them soon to come. Stay tuned..

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